Key words will help you search titles and descriptions of resources
Human rights; over-arching children's rights resources
General Implementation Measures
Articles 4, 42, 44.6.
Legislation and law reform;
Independent children’s human rights institutions;
Children’s Comissioner;
Coordinated government;
Monitoring and reporting;
National Plans of Action;
Effective data collection;
Allocation of resources;
Education, training and awareness raising;
Collaboration with civil society inc. children
Guiding principles
Article 2 Non discrimination;
Article 3 Best interests of the child;
Article 6 Survival and development;
Article 12 The child’s opinion and participation
Civil rights and freedoms
Articles 7, 8, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, 37(a).
Rights to a name, nationality and identity;
Freedom of expression;
Thought, conscience and religion;
Freedom of association, Privacy;
Access to information;
Protection from abuse and neglect inc. corporal punishment;
Torture and deprivation of liberty
Family and alternative Care
Articles 5, 9, 10, 11, 18, 20, 21, 25, 27.4.
Parental guidance and child’s evolving capacities;
separation from parents;
Family reunification;
kidnapping of children;
Parental responsibilities;
Protection of a child without family;
Adoption and foster care; reviewing placements;
Financial ,maintenance for children.
Basic health and welfare
Articles 18, 23, 24, 26, 27.
Preservation of identity;
Disabled children;
Health and health services;
Social Security;
Standard of living;
Child poverty.
Education, leisure and cultural activities
Articles 28, 29, 31.
The right to an education;
Aims of education, right to play and participate in leisure, culture and artistic activities.
Education, leisure and cultural activities
Articles 22, 30, 32, 33, 34, 35, 37, 38, 39, 40.
Children in situations of emergency;
Juvenile justice system; Children in situations of exploitation;
Children belonging to a minority or indigenous group.
CCUHP Chyfnertha
Bydd allweddeiriau yn eich helpu i chwilio am deitlau a disgrifiadau o adnoddau.
Hawliau Dynol; adnoddau cyffredinol
Camau Gweithredu Cyffredinol
Erthyglau 4, 42, 44.6.
Deddfwriaeth a diwygio'r gyfraith;
Sefydliadau hawliau dynol plant annibynnol;
Llywodraeth gydlynus;
Monitro ac adrodd;
Cynlluniau Gweithredu Cenedlaethol;
Casglu data effeithiol;
Dyrannu adnoddau; Addysg, hyfforddiant a chodi ymwybyddiaeth;
Cydweithredu gyda chymdeithas sifil gan gynnwys plant.
Egwyddorion arweiniol
Erthygl 2 Dim gwahaniaethu; Erthygl 3 Lles gorau'r plentyn; Erthygl 6 Goroesi a datblygu; Erthygl 12 Barn a chyfranogiad plant.
Hawliau sifil a rhyddid
Erthyglau 7, 8, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, 37(a).
Hawliau i gael enw, cenedligrwydd a hunaniaeth; Rhyddid mynegiant; meddwl, cydwybod a chrefydd;
Rhyddid cymdeithasu, Preifatrwydd;
Mynediad at wybodaeth;
Amddiffyniad rhag camdriniaeth ac esgeulustod gan gynnwys cosb gorfforol;
Artaith ac amddifadu o ryddid.
Gofal gan y teulu a gofal arall
Erthyglau 5, 9, 10, 11, 18, 20, 21, 25, 27.4.
Arweiniad rhieni a gallu'r plentyn wrth iddo dyfu;
gwahanu oddi wrth rieni;
Ailuno teuluoedd;
herwgipio plant;
Cyfrifoldebau rhiant;
Amddiffyn plentyn heb deulu;
Mabwysiadu a gofal maeth;
Adolygu lleoliadau;
Cynhaliaeth ariannol ar gyfer plant.
Iechyd a lles sylfaenol
Erthyglau 18, 23, 24, 26, 27.
Cadw hunaniaeth; Plant anabl; Iechyd a gwasanaethau iechyd;
Nawdd Cymdeithasol;
Safon Byw;
Tlodi ymhlith plant.
Addysg, hamdden a gweithgareddau diwylliannol
Erthyglau 28, 29, 31. Yr hawl i addysg;
Nodau addysg, hawl i chwarae a chymryd rhan mewn gweithgareddau hamdden, diwylliant a gweithgareddau artistig.
Mesurau amddiffyn penodol
Erthyglau 22, 30, 32, 33, 34, 35, 37, 38, 39, 40.
Plant mewn sefyllfaoedd argyfwng; System cyfiawnder plant;
Plant mewn sefyllfaoedd o gamfanteisio; Plant sy'n perthyn i grŵp lleiafrifol neu grŵp brodorol.