Coordinated government
Welsh Assembly Government
The Welsh Assembly Government has taken a number of positive steps to establish government structures that ensure that children's issues are high up the political agenda, that there is effective coordination and an overview on UNCRC implementation.
There is a:
- Minister for Children who holds the responsibility for UNCRC implementation and championing the rights of children across government. The post is currently held by a Deputy Minister.
- Children and Young People’s Cabinet Committee which has the responsibility for overseeing the implementation of the UNCRC in Wales.
- Children and young people's development network which supports the work of the Cabinet Committee and encourages the strengthening of cross-cutting policy development on children's issues. The group is chaired by the Director General for Children and Young People.
- Rights, Policy and Implementation Team within the Department of Education, Learning, Life Long Skills which leads on coordinating work relating to the UNCRC across the Assembly Government. Contact: and go to their "UNCRC Lets Get it Right" website which includes toolkits and other useful resources relating to the UNCRC in Wales.
National Assembly for Wales
Children and Young People’s Scrutiny Committee. A committee of Assembly Members tasked with scrutinising Assembly Government policy development and legislation relating to children.
Local Government
The Children Act 2004 guidance for Wales requires local authorities and their partners to have regard to the UNCRC.
Strategic partnerships known as children and young people partnerships have been in place since 2002 and have been on a statutory footing since the above legislation in 2004. Local authorities and key partner agencies are required in law to cooperate to improve the well-being of children and young people in the local area. The Children Act 2004 placed a duty on every local authority in Wales to appoint a lead director and lead member for children and young people's services.
Local health boards have to designate lead officers and lead members of NHS Trusts designate lead executive and non-executive directors with responsibilities mirroring those of the local authority lead director.
Each of the 22 Children and Young People Partnerships are required to produce a children and young people's plan setting out "how the well-being of children and young people will be improved". These plans are based on the 7 Core Aims, a direct translation of the UNCRC.
The Children and Young People Partnerships are supported by the Partnership Support Unit, funded by the Welsh Assembly Government and hosted by the Welsh Local Government Association.
The Partnership Support Unit has its own website and it can be accessed at