Children and young people
Children and young people are critical to achieving the full implementation of the UNCRC in Wales. They need to be made fully aware of their UNCRC rights and how to claim them and also need to be involved in monitoring and reporting on children's rights as well actively involved in the process of holding Government to account to respect, protect and fulfil children's rights.

Funky Dragon
Funky Dragon - the Children and Young People’s Assembly for Wales - is the umbrella children and young people led organisation for promoting and supporting the implementation of the UNCRC in Wales. Their aim is to give 0 – 25 year olds the opportunity to get their voices heard on issues that affect them. The opportunity to participate and be listened to is a fundamental right under the United Nations Convention Rights of the Child. Funky Dragon tries to represent as wide a range of children as possible and work with decision-makers to achieve change.
Funky Dragon's main tasks are to make sure that the views of children and young people are heard, particularly by the Welsh Assembly Government, and to support participation in decision-making at national level.
Funky Dragon has led globally pioneering work and in-depth peer-led research, collecting children's views on their rights; has developed children's rights awareness-raising resources, and delivered training.
Funky Dragon is a key member of the Wales UNCRC Monitoring Group.
To find out more about the work that they have done and are currently doing go to the Funky Dragon website.
Children's Commissioner for Wales
If children and young people need advice and help to speak out, access to an advocate or to make a complaint then the Children's Commissioner for Wales is there to make sure children and young people’s rights are respected.
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Additionally for help and advice phone Child Line on
Children and young people friendly information on the UNCRC
If you require more children and young people friendly information on the UNCRC go to: