National action plan on children's rights
Following the last report by the UK State Party and the receipt of the UN Committee’s Concluding Observations, the Welsh Assembly Government has been working closely with the UNCRC NGO Monitoring Group, Children's Commissioner for Wales and other national and local partners to develop a coordinated approach to driving forward implementation of the Convention over the next 5 years via an agreed UNCRC Action Plan for Wales: Getting it Right.
This forms part of a wider action plan for the UK (as recommended at para 15 of the concluding observations of the CRC). It has been agreed with partners that the agreed Priorities for Wales will form the backbone of the action plan produced. This will ensure that the plan is realistic, achievable and relevant to Welsh priorities.
Both the UK Statement of Intent and the Action Plan for Wales were launched on 20th November 2009 to coincide with the 20th Anniversary of the UNCRC and Universal Children's Day.
An implementation group has been established to support the implementation of actions identified in the plan, and an Implementation Support Network will be established with external partners to advise and influence the furture direction of the action plan.
Read the action plan to learn more about the Assembly Government’s plans for implementing the UNCRC in Wales.
The action plan can be accessed here.